eLearning over traditional methods of L&D
With integration of technology and information becoming the main objective of modern-day learning, the eLearning industry has come a long way from eBooks to innumerable features of education, advancing the experience of a learner with relevant, personalized, and updated knowledge.
Face-to-face learning sessions are the way that traditional learning is being practiced. Even though the learner gets adequate attention and the ability to engage with the teacher, face-to-face learning is time and energy-consuming to be practiced in complicated modern societies. Traditional methods can also be very static and hard to change over time with rapidly changing societal needs.
Having understood this, the Sri Lankan business landscape along with academia is taking a slow transition from traditional learning methods to eLearning in pursuit of perfection in learner experience and knowledge generation.
Among many benefits of eLearning, the following entails a few of the main benefits.
- Personalized Content
eLearning can be identified as best suited for anyone from any background due to the ability to personalize the content. According to the needs and the nature of the audience, education can be accompanied by many types of add-ons such as interactives and gamification, depending on what is most suitable to grab the interest of the identified audience.
- Self-Paced Learning
The learner is in full control of their learning experience, starting from the amount of material they consume to the duration of time they would spend learning a particular lesson. As opposed to a conventional classroom, the learner can adjust the learning experience according to his brain capacity and tolerance level.
- Scalability
eLearning provides the ability to upgrade the content according to the newest trends and needs of the society that change in no time due to the modern way of living. Be it upscaling or downscaling, it is up to the content provider to analyze and upgrade the existing content accordingly.
- Assessment
With eLearning, there is the ability to conduct assessments hassle-free while having a positive influence on learner experience, unlike traditional learning. It is best advised to assess the learner after each session finishes and that’s where eLearning comes in handy. The learner can face the assessment from an environment where he/she finds to be comfortable, even if it’s home. Confidentiality and enthusiasm will be well protected and will keep the learner interested in the process of learning as well.
- Accessibility
eLearning modules can be consumed from anywhere at any time. This allows the learning experience to be equally accessible by everyone in the audience. A comfortable place and a convenient pace supplement the accessibility.
- Learner engagement
Learner engagement plays a vital part in shaping the learning experience. This used to be one of the many advantages of traditional learning over eLearning but no more. eLearning now is well equipped to be able to keep the learner engaged by leveraging the advancement of technology.
By Charithra Premaratne